Our Pricing Plans

Monthly Annual

Get 2 Months FREE With the Annual Plan

Quick Start



Launch your marketing journey affordably with essential tools, ready to scale as you grow.

  • 1 user (non-upgradeable)

  • Up to 1,500 outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

  • CRM

  • Unified Messaging

  • Web Chat Integration

  • Missed Call Text Back

  • FB/IG Messenger Integration

  • GBP Call Tracking




Essential business features at an affordable rate, ensuring practicality without sacrificing quality

  • 1-5 users (upgradeable)

  • Up to 10,000 outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

  • All Features in Quick Start

  • Reputation Management

  • Social Planner

  • Blogs

  • Calendar

  • Opportunities

  • Forms & Survey

  • SMS & Email Templates

  • Invoicing

  • 1 Funnel

  • 1 Website




Maximize your impact with our top pick for essential marketing tools.

  • 1-10 users (upgradeable)

  • Up to 15,000 outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

  • All Features in Basic

  • Campaigns

  • Affiliate Manager

  • Proposals & Estimates

  • Email Marketing

  • Triggers

  • Funnel

  • Website

  • All reporting




Ideal for larger businesses that already have their staff in place.

  • 1-15 users (upgradeable)

  • Unlimited outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

  • All Features in Standard

  • Premium Support

  • Workflows

  • Communities

  • Memberships

  • Unlimited Funnels

  • Unlimited Websites

Quick Start



Launch your marketing journey affordably with essential tools, ready to scale as you grow.

  • 1 user (non-upgradeable)

  • Up to 1,500 outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

  • CRM

  • Unified Messaging

  • Web Chat Integration

  • Missed Call Text Back

  • FB/IG Messenger Integration

  • GBP Call Tracking




Essential business features at an affordable rate, ensuring practicality without sacrificing quality

  • 1-5 users (upgradeable)

  • Up to 10,000 outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

  • All Features in Quick Start

  • Reputation Management

  • Social Planner

  • Blogs

  • Calendar

  • Opportunities

  • Forms & Survey

  • SMS & Email Templates

  • Invoicing

  • 1 Funnel

  • 1 Website




Launch your marketing journey affordably with essential tools, ready to scale as you grow.

  • 1-10 users (upgradeable)

  • Up to 15,000 outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

  • All Features in Basic

  • Campaigns

  • Affiliate Manager

  • Proposals & Estimates

  • Email Marketing

  • Triggers

  • Funnel

  • Website

  • All reporting




Launch your marketing journey affordably with essential tools, ready to scale as you grow.

  • 1-15 users (upgradeable)

  • Unlimited outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

  • All Features in Standard

  • Premium Support

  • Workflows

  • Communities

  • Memberships

  • Unlimited Funnels

  • Unlimited Websites

Quick Start



Launch your marketing journey affordably with essential tools, ready to scale as you grow.




Essential business features at an affordable rate, ensuring practicality without sacrificing quality




Maximize your impact with our top pick for essential marketing tools.




Ideal for larger businesses that already have their staff in place.

Quick Start



Launch your marketing journey affordably with essential tools, ready to scale as you grow.




Essential business features at an affordable rate, ensuring practicality without sacrificing quality




Maximize your impact with our top pick for essential marketing tools.




Ideal for larger businesses that already have their staff in place.

  • 1 user (non-upgradeable)

  • Up to 1,500 outgoing messages a month

  • 1-5 users (upgradeable)

  • Up to 10,000 outgoing messages a month

  • 1-10 users (upgradeable)

  • Up to 15,000 outgoing messages a month

  • 1-15 users (upgradeable)

  • Unlimited outgoing messages a month

Included Features:

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CRM: Definition: CRM is like a digital notebook that keeps track of all the people a business talks to, like customers or potential customers. Advantages/Benefits: Staying Organized: It helps businesses remember who they talked to and what they talked about. Better Relationships: By remembering past conversations, businesses can give better service. Less Work: Everything is in one place, so businesses don’t need to waste time looking for information.
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Unified Messaging
Unified Messaging Definition: Unified messaging is like having all your different texting apps (like Messenger, email, and texts) combined into one super app. Advantages/Benefits: Convenience: Instead of jumping between different apps, you can see and reply to everything in one place. No Missed Messages: It’s easier to keep track of conversations, so nothing gets lost or forgotten. Faster Replies: You can answer people quicker because everything is right there.
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Web Chat Integration
Web Chat Integration Definition: This feature lets a business chat with visitors directly on their website. Advantages/Benefits: Instant Help: People visiting the website can ask questions and get answers right away. More Sales: If customers get help fast, they’re more likely to buy something. Friendlier Experience: It makes the website feel like someone is always there to help.
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Missed Call Text Back
Missed Call Text Back Definition: If someone calls a business and they don’t answer, this feature automatically sends a text message saying, "Sorry we missed your call, how can we help?" Advantages/Benefits: No Missed Opportunities: Even if the business can’t answer the phone, they can still talk to the customer. Keeps Customers Happy: Customers appreciate quick responses, even if it’s just a text. Saves Time: It’s automatic, so businesses don’t have to remember to send a message.
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FB/IG Messenger Integration
FB/IG Messenger Integration Definition: This connects Facebook and Instagram messages to the business’s messaging system, so all messages from those apps show up in one place. Advantages/Benefits: All-in-One Place: Businesses don’t need to switch between Facebook, Instagram, and other apps to talk to customers. More Engagement: By replying faster, businesses can keep customers interested. Less Confusion: It’s easier to manage messages from multiple social media platforms.
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GBP Call Tracking
GBP (Google Business Profile) Call Tracking Definition: This tracks phone calls made from a business’s Google listing (the info that pops up when you search a business on Google). Advantages/Benefits: Know What’s Working: It helps businesses see how many people are calling them because of their Google listing. Improve Marketing: By tracking calls, businesses can figure out what’s working and make better decisions. Grow Faster: More data means they can attract more customers by focusing on what people like.

Included Features:

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All Features in Quick Start
CRM, Unified Messaging, Web Chat Integration, Missed Call Text Back, FB/IG Messenger Integration, GBP Call Tracking.
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Reputation Management
Reputation Management Definition: Reputation management helps businesses keep an eye on what people are saying about them online, like reviews and comments. Advantages/Benefits: Stay Informed: Businesses can see when people leave reviews, good or bad. Improve Trust: By responding to reviews, businesses show they care, making customers trust them more. Fix Problems Quickly: If someone leaves a bad review, businesses can take action fast to solve the issue.
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Social Planner
Social Planner Definition: The social planner helps businesses schedule and plan their posts on social media in advance. Advantages/Benefits: Save Time: Businesses can plan all their posts at once, instead of doing it every day. Consistency: Posting regularly helps keep people interested in the business. Reach More People: With posts scheduled at the best times, businesses can reach more customers.
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Blogs Definition: A blog is like a section on a website where businesses write articles or updates to share helpful information. Advantages/Benefits: Attract Visitors: Writing interesting articles brings more people to the website. Builds Authority: When businesses share knowledge, people see them as experts. More Sales: Helpful content can lead visitors to trust the business and buy products or services.
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Calendar Definition: The calendar feature lets businesses schedule appointments, meetings, or events in an organized way. Advantages/Benefits: Stay Organized: It helps businesses keep track of all their appointments. Never Miss a Meeting: Reminders help them be on time and never miss important events. Easy Booking: Customers can book appointments online, making it easier for everyone.
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Opportunities Definition: Opportunities are like tracking the stages of potential customers, from showing interest to actually buying something. Advantages/Benefits: Follow the Journey: Businesses can see where each customer is in the buying process. Better Decisions: By tracking opportunities, businesses can focus on the customers who are most likely to buy. Increase Sales: Understanding the customer’s journey helps businesses make better offers at the right time.
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Forms & Survey
Forms & Survey Definition: These tools allow businesses to create forms (for gathering info) and surveys (for asking opinions). Advantages/Benefits: Get Information Easily: Businesses can use forms to collect important details from customers. Understand Customers Better: Surveys help businesses know what their customers think and want. Improve Services: Feedback from forms and surveys can help businesses make things better.
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SMS & Email Templates
SMS & Email Templates Definition: These are pre-written messages that businesses can use for texting or emailing customers. Advantages/Benefits: Save Time: Instead of writing new messages each time, businesses can use templates. Consistency: Every customer gets a professional and well-written message. Quick Communication: Templates help businesses respond faster.
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Invoicing Definition: Invoicing helps businesses create and send bills to customers for the products or services they’ve bought. Advantages/Benefits: Get Paid Faster: Sending invoices helps businesses collect payments quicker. Keep Track of Sales: Businesses can see who has paid and who still needs to pay. Professional Look: Well-designed invoices make the business look more professional.
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1 Funnel
Funnel Definition: A funnel is a step-by-step process that guides a customer from first learning about a business to making a purchase. Advantages/Benefits: More Sales: Funnels help turn visitors into customers by guiding them through each step. Save Effort: It automates the sales process, so businesses don’t have to manually follow up. Focused Marketing: Funnels make sure the right people get the right message at the right time.
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1 Website
Website Definition: This allows businesses to create and manage a website for their brand. Advantages/Benefits: Attract More Customers: A website helps businesses show off their products or services to anyone online. 24/7 Access: Customers can visit the website anytime, even when the business is closed. Builds Credibility: A professional website makes the business look more trustworthy.

Included Features:

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All Features in Basic
All Features in Quick Start, Reputation Management, Social Planner, Blogs, Calendar, Opportunities, Forms & Survey, SMS & Email Template, Invoicing, 1 Funnel (3 Pages Only), 1 Website (3 Pages Only).
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Campaigns Definition: A campaign is a series of messages (like emails or texts) that are sent to people over time to keep them interested in a business. Advantages/Benefits: Keep People Interested: By sending regular messages, businesses can stay in touch with customers. Automated Follow-ups: Messages are sent automatically, so businesses don’t have to do it manually. More Sales: Campaigns help guide people toward making a purchase step by step.
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Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager Definition: An affiliate manager helps businesses track and manage people who recommend the business to others in exchange for a reward (like a commission). Advantages/Benefits: Grow Faster: When people recommend the business to others, more customers come in. Reward Referrals: The business can reward people for bringing in new customers, which encourages more referrals. Track Performance: The affiliate manager helps businesses see who’s bringing in the most customers.
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Proposals & Estimates
Proposals & Estimates Definition: Proposals are detailed offers a business sends to potential customers, and estimates are guesses of how much something will cost. Advantages/Benefits: Professional Communication: Sending well-designed proposals makes the business look more serious and organized. Helps Customers Decide: Clear estimates help customers know what they’re getting and how much it will cost. Faster Deals: By providing proposals and estimates quickly, businesses can close deals faster.
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Email Marketing
Email Marketing Definition: Email marketing is sending messages to a list of people through email to promote products or services. Advantages/Benefits: Reach a Lot of People: Businesses can send emails to many customers at once. Keep Customers Updated: Emails are great for sharing news, offers, and updates with customers. Boost Sales: By sending regular emails, businesses can encourage people to make a purchase.
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Triggers Definition: Triggers are actions that happen automatically when something specific occurs, like sending a message when someone fills out a form. Advantages/Benefits: Save Time: Triggers automate tasks, so businesses don’t have to do them manually. Immediate Response: Customers get quick responses, which makes them feel taken care of. More Efficient: Triggers make sure important actions happen without anyone forgetting.
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Funnel Definition: A funnel is a step-by-step process that guides a customer from first learning about a business to making a purchase. Advantages/Benefits: More Sales: Funnels help turn visitors into customers by guiding them through each step. Save Effort: It automates the sales process, so businesses don’t have to manually follow up. Focused Marketing: Funnels make sure the right people get the right message at the right time.
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Website Definition: This allows businesses to create and manage a website for their brand. Advantages/Benefits: Attract More Customers: A website helps businesses show off their products or services to anyone online. 24/7 Access: Customers can visit the website anytime, even when the business is closed. Builds Credibility: A professional website makes the business look more trustworthy.
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All reporting
All Reporting Definition: Reporting is when businesses get detailed information about how well different parts of their business are doing, like sales, marketing, or customer service. Advantages/Benefits: Know What’s Working: Reports show what’s going well and what needs improvement. Make Better Decisions: With the data from reports, businesses can make smarter choices about where to focus their efforts. Grow Faster: By understanding the numbers, businesses can improve and grow more quickly.

Included Features:

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All Features in Standard
All Features in Basic, Campaigns, Affiliate Manager, Proposals & Estimates, Email Marketing, Triggers, +4 Funnels, +4 Websites, All Reporting.
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Premium Support
Premium Support Definition: Premium Support means that you’ll have a team of experts from the business’s support system always ready to help you with any technical issues or questions you have. Advantages/Benefits: 24/7 Assistance: Whether you need help in the middle of the day or late at night, there’s always someone available to solve your problems quickly. Personalized Service: The support you receive feels tailored specifically for you, so it’s like having your own tech team working for you, which means faster and more helpful responses. Immediate Solutions: Instead of waiting for someone to get back to you, the support is fast, ensuring that your business or tasks aren’t held up by any issues. With Premium Support, you can trust that your problems will be resolved quickly and efficiently, ensuring smooth operation of the services you rely on​.
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Workflows Definition: Workflows are automated actions that happen when certain things occur, like sending a welcome email when someone signs up. Advantages/Benefits: Saves Time: Workflows automatically handle repetitive tasks, so you don’t have to do them manually. Consistency: Everything happens the same way every time, ensuring nothing is forgotten. Better Customer Experience: Customers get instant responses and consistent service​
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Communities Definition: Communities are online groups where people can connect, learn, and share ideas about a business. Advantages/Benefits: Build Connections: It helps customers feel like part of a group, making them more loyal to the business. Faster Problem Solving: People can help each other, which makes solving issues faster. Sharing Knowledge: Customers can learn from each other and the business, leading to a better experience​
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Memberships Definition: Memberships allow businesses to create exclusive content or services that only certain people can access by signing up. Advantages/Benefits: Exclusive Content: Members get access to special features or content that others don’t. Recurring Income: Businesses can charge a monthly or yearly fee, which brings in steady money. Stronger Relationships: Memberships create a sense of belonging, which can lead to long-term customers
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Unlimited Funnels
Funnel Definition: A funnel is a step-by-step process that guides a customer from first learning about a business to making a purchase. Advantages/Benefits: More Sales: Funnels help turn visitors into customers by guiding them through each step. Save Effort: It automates the sales process, so businesses don’t have to manually follow up. Focused Marketing: Funnels make sure the right people get the right message at the right time.
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Unlimited Websites
Website Definition: This allows businesses to create and manage a website for their brand. Advantages/Benefits: Attract More Customers: A website helps businesses show off their products or services to anyone online. 24/7 Access: Customers can visit the website anytime, even when the business is closed. Builds Credibility: A professional website makes the business look more trustworthy.

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